Tuesday, 29 September 2009
Filming; Woodshop
To achieve this we first filmed a high angle shot of the hammer laying on thw ork bench, filming each shot for 2seconds then slightly moving it. after this we filmed a close up of the hammer coming down on a piece of wood, to look like it was hammering it, so all we needed to do after uploading it was to speed it up.
In this shot i noticed that Sam's bag was in it, in the background with his pencil case of 'Zippy' sticking out of it. but we dedcided to leave it in as we felt it made the shot more humourous and more interestiong to the audience. I felt this session of filming was succesfull as we got all of the filming that we intended to.
Monday, 28 September 2009
Booking Places for Filming
September 29th -- Period One: Film in wood shop.
September 29th -- After School: Film Mr.Hume and have booked the FIG-RIG to film. September 30th - Period Three: Film in office (poster's needed).
Filming; Shooting in the Playground
We also filmed the establishing shot of the school sign, and with this we are hoping to change the school name through the use of the Mac computers.
Sunday, 27 September 2009
Re-Recording Baggy Trousers
From this we thought that it would be a could idea to go against the conventions of a Ska Bands and create a Female one. We decided that i would sing the vocals and that Stacey McDougall, this was because we wanted to push the Ska band convetions and have a Black female lead.
Chosen Song
Ska Music Videos
Other song from the Ska genre is; The Selecter -- Missing Words; This music video is the only Ska band that seems to have a Black Female singer in it. This song also has a reggae sound to it, with the beat in the backgorund that they have used.
Common within Ska 2Tone music videos the band is the main thing that is shown to be going on in the video, along with close ups and birds eye view shots of the band performing. This could be made more interesting through the use of split screens which can show the band playing but from different angles and close ups of the band members. However through only showing the band this can becoming boring to the audience, which is something that I feel my music video should challenge, through not showing as much of the band performing with instruments but through the use of other narrative means such as setting and mise-en-scene.
Research Into Ska
Ska music origniated in Jamacia in the late 1950s and was the precursor to rocksteady and reggae, which combined elements of Carribbean mento and Calypso, with American Jazz and Rhythm and Blues.
In the early 1960s this music became popular with British Mods and later many skinheads and the English 2 Tone came about in 1970s.
2 Tone started in the areas of conventry and was a fusion of Jamican Ska Rhythms and melodies with punk rock's more aggressive guitar chords and lyrics. This style of Ska had a faste
One of the most effective 2 Tone bands were Madness bringing 2 Tone to the mainstream, with The Specials and The Selecter coming after them.
Choosing a Genre
Then after researching into different songs that we were all hapy doing, we found the genre Ska which is a older version on Indie Pop. We then looked at Ska Video's and Artist's such as; Maddness, The Specials, No Doubt, Too Much Too Tone and The Selecter.
After looking at different Ska video's we then decided to do Maddness' Baggy Trousers because we felt we could use there idea of making a simple video funny, and relatable to a young audience because we remember what it was like to be at school and therefore can relate to the lyrics our the clips within the music video.
Research into Music Videos -- Bordwell & Thompson's Theory
shapes, colours, light & dark, movement & status.
graphic match.
graphic continuity (follow)/discontinuity (not follow).
super 8 + DV footage types.
duration of shots.
accent, beat & tempo.
build tension.
same duration for each clip.
steady metrical beat.
establishing shot.
connective relationship.
spatial co-existance.
cross cutting.
order, duration & frequency.
flashbacks, flash forwards.
punctuation - slow dissolve, fade.
empty frames.
frequency, tension & expectation.
Research into Music Videos -- Carol Vernallis
- The kindest cut: functions and meanings of music videos.
famine approach.
editing styles blend.
discursive form.
Classic Continuity - (Bordwell - 1987)
further narrative.
limited taxonomy of shot types to 'naturalise' movement from shot to shot.
narrow set of editing possibilities - shot reverse shot.
preserve the flow of time, cohearance and space.
single clear and constant story.
narrative not key.
expressive frames, angles and shots joined by colour.
varity of editing - jump cuts and conflict.
discontinuity rather than continuity in time and space.
viewer challenged to extrapolate meanings and formulate 'new' ideas.
Tuesday, 22 September 2009
Research -- Low Budget Analysis