Sunday 27 September 2009

Ska Music Videos

This is one of Madness' popular songs, which is also analysed in the a pervious chart.

However unlike the Selectors' Missing Words, the mis-en-scene is within a house relating to the lyrics the band is saying, but the main thing shown in this video is the lead singer and the band members playing their instruments, in a small room, which adds a comedic value to the video and it also relates to their target audience of that time, who properly remember when the whole family was round and they were crapped in a small room. Madness' music video generally tend to link the actual lyrics to what is being shown in some way.

Other song from the Ska genre is; The Selecter -- Missing Words; This music video is the only Ska band that seems to have a Black Female singer in it. This song also has a reggae sound to it, with the beat in the backgorund that they have used.

Common within Ska 2Tone music videos the band is the main thing that is shown to be going on in the video, along with close ups and birds eye view shots of the band performing. This could be made more interesting through the use of split screens which can show the band playing but from different angles and close ups of the band members. However through only showing the band this can becoming boring to the audience, which is something that I feel my music video should challenge, through not showing as much of the band performing with instruments but through the use of other narrative means such as setting and mise-en-scene.

1 comment:

  1. Comment on representation in these music videos, and how your own ideas were influenced by these. What forms and conventions are happening in these videos that your group has experimented with using?? You need to show the assessor your thinking about these things in order to gain either a Level 3 / 4 for this aspect of your work.

    Ms Lynch
